Sains Malaysiana 53(2)(2024): 249-265

Progeny Evaluation from the Crossing of Novelty-Type Phalaenopsis I Hsin Bee x Phalaenopsis pulcherrima var. champorensis

(Penilaian Progeni daripada Kacukan Jenis Kebaharuan Phalaenopsis I Hsin Bee x Phalaenopsis pulcherrima var. champorensis)




Research Center for Horticulture and Estate Crops, National Agency for Research and Innovation, Cibinong Science Center, Jl. Raya Jakarta Bogor, Cibinong, Bogor 16915, Indonesia


Diserahkan: 6 Jun 2023/Diterima: 22 Januari2024



The floriculture industry has rapidly developed in Indonesia. One of the potential genera of orchids is Phalaenopsis. New varieties must be developed to compete with imported ones. Genetic improvement of Phalaenopsis has been carried out through interspecific and intergeneric crossing - the crossing between P. I Hsin Bee x P. pulcherrima var. champorensis is dedicated to introduce harlequin type to P. pulcherrima. Forty progenies of the first generation (F1) and their parents are  used for the characterization and evaluation. The results show that P. pulcherrima is more dominant (50%) in flower shape and color based on the progeny composition. The introduction of the harlequin type into P. pulcherrima is indicated by 35% of progenies have  dark color at the flower and matched with the spotted pattern of the female parent, indicating that the female contributed partially to the respected traits. The progenies are divided into five distinct groups based on nine qualitative characteristics. Three progenies, namely D829-4, D829-6, and D829-8, are considered to have prominent features, such as more stable and symmetric coalescence of red-brownish blotches on the flowers, representing harlequin type than other progenies. These progenies will potentially be developed to be commercial varieties.


Keywords: Harlequin; hybridization; moon orchid; qualitative characters; quantitative characters



Industri florikultur telah berkembang pesat di Indonesia. Salah satu genus orkid yang berpotesi ialahPhalaenopsis. Varieti baharu daripada genus tersebut harus dikembangkan untuk menandingi varieti import. Penambahbaikan genetik Phalaenopsis telah dilakukan melalui kacukan antara spesies dan antara genus. Kacukan antara P. I Hsin x P. pulcherrima var. champorensis dilakukan untuk mengintegrasikan ciri harlequin pada P. pulcherrima. Sebanyak 40 progeni generasi pertama (F1) dan induk mereka telah digunakan untuk penilaian dan pencirian. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa P. pulcherrima lebih dominan (50%) dalam ciri bentuk dan warna bunga berdasarkan komposisi progeni. Integrasi ciriharlequin ke dalam P. pulcherrima ditunjukkan dengan banyaknya progeni (35%) yang mempunyai bunga berwarna hitam yang sama dengan pola bercak pada induk betina. Sembilan ciri kualitatif yang membahagikan kesemuaprogeni menjadi lima kumpulan, berdasarkan variasi warna dan bentuk daripada petal, sepal dorsal dan lateral, serta lobus-tengah. Tiga progeni, iaitu D829-4, D829-6 dan D829-8, menunjukkan ciri yang menonjol, seperti lebih stabil, gabungan simetri tompok merah kecoklatan pada bunga yang memperlihatkan ciri harlequin berbanding dengan progeni lain. Ketiga-tiga progeni tersebut memiliki potensi untuk dikembangkan lebih lanjut menjadi varieti komersial.


Kata kunci: Ciri kualitatif; cirikuantitatif; harlequin; kacukan; orkid bulan


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